Vietnam War Commemoration

The Commemorative Partner Program
In 2008, Congress passed Public Law Section 110-181 SEC.598 authorizing the Department of Defense to establish The United States of America Vietnam War 50th Commemoration to assist a grateful nation in thanking and honoring our Vietnam veterans and their families. On Memorial Day 2012, at a ceremony held at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C., the President of the United States officially launched the national commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. The program will run until Veterans Day 2025.
In late October of 2012, The United States of America Vietnam War 50th Commemoration established the Commemorative Partner Program, a hometown-centric, veteran-focused initiative designed for federal, state and local entities and communities, veterans’ groups, civic groups, industries, businesses, museums, libraries, schools, educational institutions, associations and many other organizations to assist a grateful nation in thanking and honoring Vietnam veterans and their families where they live. The program is the primary vehicle by which the Commemoration achieves the five objectives given by Congress.
By recognizing the unique needs of our nation’s veterans who are facing a life-limiting illness, hospice providers are able to accompany and guide America’s veterans and their families toward a more peaceful ending. We Honor Veterans focuses on respectful inquiry, compassionate listening, and grateful acknowledgment, coupled with veteran-centered education of staff caring for veterans. Veterans often take great pride in their service, seeing it as a period of time when they did something meaningful to make a difference in the world—despite the fact they may have been imprisoned, tortured, wounded, exposed to atrocities, or had other traumatic experiences.
However, not all veterans see their service as a positive one or do not see their sacrifice as having made any difference—and this has resulting complications. Understanding how veterans view their service, whether it is positive or negative, has implications for how they view their disease at the end of their life, especially if it’s related to their service.
Donald Schumacher, President of NHPCO, says, “America’s veterans have done everything asked of them in their mission to serve our country, and we believe it is never too late to give them a hero’s welcome home. Now it’s time that we step up, acquire the necessary skills and fulfill our mission to serve these men and women with the dignity they deserve.

The five national objectives of the Commemoration are:
To thank and honor veterans of the Vietnam War, including personnel who were held as prisoners of war or listed as missing in action, for their service and sacrifice on behalf of the United States and to thank and honor the families of these veterans.
To highlight the service of the Armed Forces during the Vietnam War and the contributions of Federal agencies and governmental and non-governmental organizations that served with, or in support of, the Armed Forces.
To pay tribute to the contributions made on the home front by the people of the United States during the Vietnam War.
To highlight the advances in technology, science, and medicine related to military research conducted during the Vietnam War.
To recognize the contributions and sacrifices made by the allies of the United States during the Vietnam War.
BSA Hospice of the Southwest has been participating in the Vietnam War Commemoration program since 2019. We are proud to assist the nation in properly thanking and honoring our Vietnam veterans and their families.
Veteran Resources
VBA National Call Center: 1.800.827.1000.
Amarillo VA: 806.355.9703
Veterans Benefit Administration
The Amarillo Vet Center (counseling)
National Resource Directory for Veterans
From NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness)
American Job Center (for veterans)
Video stories to support caregivers of veterans
Silent Professionals - Free service for veteran job placement